Sports Massage 

Are you an athlete? Do you frequent the gym or enjoy training your body? Muscle (and overall) health is vital for all of the above and for those who are active, they surely know it.

Movement Therapies, Treatments, and Exercises are all introduced to people who join sports teams or who value physical fitness. It’s not uncommon to see an athlete enjoying cryotherapy or yoga. Let’s read why massage is a great addition, too.

What's Unique?

Sports Massage has several facets to it. It utilizes techniques such as stroking, friction, kneading, compression, stretching, and percussion. The massage can be performed before (Pre-Event), during (Intra-Event), after (Post-Event), and/or between events (Maintenance Sessions).

The goal of this session is to enhance execution, reduce likelihood of injury, decrease recovery time, and uplift general mood and confidence. Many athletes say they experience less muscle fatigue and spasm!

All in all, physical fitness involves muscular performance. Massage is built for muscles. Give it a try during your journey of sportsmanship and let us show you the results.

An athletic woman lifts weights.
An athletic woman is boxing.


30-Minute Session....................................................................................................................................................................$45.00

60-Minute Session....................................................................................................................................................................$75.00

*If you reside outside of Mahoning County, a Travel Fee will also apply. 

**The sum of the service includes sales tax; payment will be due before the service.

Let your body decide for itself.