Policies & Procedures
Thank you for choosing us for your massage and wellness needs! In this technological day and age, we wanted to make our information easily accessible for our potential and current clients.
It is Key Relaxation’s first priority to make sure that both the client and the therapist have a clear and thorough understanding of our massage therapy policies and procedures. Prospective clientele, it is our job to ensure you know everything necessary about massage to make an informed decision regarding your care. Please feel free to click and read through each Policy/Procedure drop-down.
Mobile Services
In the first year of its opening, Key Relaxation decided to become Mobile and it's been successful thus far. We are centered in Mahoning County. For those who schedule and reside outside of Mahoning County, we charge a Travel Fee on a sliding scale for convenience purposes. The quality of our massage services are tightly upheld, even while Mobile. The LMT will arrive 5-15 minutes pre-session for set-up, consultation, and paperwork. Payment will be collected before the session begins (credit/debit card when booking for first-time clients or cash/etc for returning clientele). Post-session, the LMT will allow time for redress and appointment scheduling before collecting equipment and exiting the premises.
**First-Time clients are encouraged to book via our site. This process adds you to our system, holds your deposit, and secures your first session with us. Therapeutic Massage is important to us and we hope to you!
Scheduled Services
When an appointment is booked, materials are gathered to create the session best suited for the client’s needs. Our prices reflect the materials used and experience held to conduct our services. In the event that a service is downgraded **4 hours or more before the scheduled appointment, our team is flexible enough to provide and the changes will be reflected in the price. If a service must be downgraded at the time of service, we can fulfill the service requested however the price will not change. We feel this policy best serves us and our clientele.
Scope of Practice/Informed Consent
Understand that massage therapy/bodywork may be contraindicated for certain medical conditions or symptoms. A referral from your physician or licensed health care provider may be necessary prior to receiving service. Further understand that massage therapy/bodywork is provided for the purpose of relaxation and relief of muscular tension. If you have any pain or discomfort during the appointment, you will inform the therapist so that the massage may be modified. Understand that massage therapy/bodywork is not a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should consult a physician, chiropractor, or other qualified medical specialist for any condition that you are aware of.
You have been informed that massage and bodywork therapists are not qualified to perform skeletal adjustments, diagnose, prescribe, or treat any physical or mental illness, and that nothing said during the session should be perceived as such. You attest that you have stated all known medical conditions, and answered all questions honestly. You agree to keep the therapist updated as to any changes in medical condition and agree that there shall be no liability on the therapist’s part should you neglect to do so.
Professional Boundaries
In order for Key Relaxation to provide the utmost care, honest disclosure of any situation that may get in the way of safe, nurturing, nonjudgmental, nonsexual touch must be considered. The massage therapist will need to consider personal concerns, biases, needs, and limitations to best serve you.
Respect of Client Boundaries/Confidentiality
In this partnership, the therapist and client must have trust and honesty. The client being truthful and open to the therapist is crucial to the benefit of the client. To maintain professionalism and comfort for both parties, the following massage rules apply:
The client has the right to leave on as much clothing as necessary to stay comfortable.
The client will always be modestly draped barring the area receiving massage at the time. Client will be informed beforehand of the area being massaged.
Breasts/Genitalia will always be excluded at Key Relaxation. Chest/Gluteal muscles can/will be worked at a professional distance unless otherwise indicated.
Sexual interaction between client/therapist will ALWAYS be prohibited. Any solicitation or advance will be considered harassment and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Minors will need a parent/guardian present in the room during massage.
The room we use for massage will never be locked. You are free at any time to end the service and leave.
The client has the right to refuse any massage method or modality.
Part of having a respectful, productive therapeutic relationship is keeping the client’s information confidential. Key Relaxation promises to uphold HIPAA* with information given on our forms and given verbally. Our clients have the right to converse or to not. We ask to keep conversation away from politics, religion, and anything of a sexual nature. While we would love to know you, we also ask that personal conversations are held to a minimum. We prefer to keep our time spent professional.
Notice of Privacy Practices
Your personal health information (PHI) will be used to provide you with treatment and for payment information. It will be disclosed to others only if you have given written consent, if there is a threat to you or others, or it is required by law. You have a right to inspect your PHI. You may request an amendment to your PHI if there is an error or if it is incomplete. acknowledge receiving this Notice of Privacy Practices.
Appointments/Hours of Operation
Regular appointments provide many great benefits for your health, your overall wellness, and ensures our availability for you. However, Key Relaxation also understands that finances can dictate regularity. These are our hours:
Sunday - 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Monday - CLOSED
Tuesday - 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday - CLOSED
Thursday - CLOSED
Friday - CLOSED
Saturday - CLOSED
Feel free to call up to 24 hours prior to your desired time to inquire on availability. Appointments may be made up to 60 days in advance.
Payment Methods
We accept payment up-front via cash, Venmo, cashapp, check, and debit/credit at this time. We do not accept unnamed cash/debit applications, or IOUs.
Cancellation Policy
We all live busy lives; Key Relaxation understands that very much! Emergencies happen as well, and nothing comes before family. If you have a slot with us, we ask that you cancel no less than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. Cancellations can be made via phone call, voicemail, or email. We ask that in the event in which you cancel in less than 24 hours, you pay (in full) ½ of the service total. We reserve the right to waive this policy and to charge the card on file the fee required, and by signing you also acknowledge and consent. We value our time, our business, and our customers; by proceeding with our services, you agree with this policy. If there is a breach of this policy, future services to the client may be prohibited.
Tardy Policy
Our time management is very important to the structure of our services and to the integrity of our business. We ask that in the event that you may be 15 or more minutes late, you notify Key Relaxation as soon as possible. The appointment may be subject to change (to be rescheduled) and ¼ of the service total charged on the date of pre-scheduled appointment. We reserve the right to waive this policy. However, we believe in placing faith in our clientele. If the client has rescheduled, we will add the sum charged to the service total of the rescheduled appointment (so long as the client shows; if not, refer to cancellation policy). We believe our “sum-to-service-total” option is kind yet fair; to prevent abuse, we can only allow this option to be used twice.
If you wish to proceed with your appointment despite the tardiness/late start, you are accepting beforehand that only the time remaining of your scheduled slot will be used for massage but the price will not change.
If your therapist is more than 15 minutes late, your service will be discounted 10% of the service total and your time will not be docked; you will receive your time paid for. By proceeding with our services, you agree with this policy.
Everyone has sick days! Key Relaxation recognizes that massage is intimate; if you or our therapist have any infectious diseases, safety comes first. The appointment will be rescheduled immediately. If you are unsure which diseases which may put you at risk for spreading infection, here’s a list (that includes, but is not limited to): Diarrhea, Vomiting, Fever, Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Meningitis, Hepatitis A, Conjunctivitis, Rubella, Head Lice, Impetigo, Influenza, Meningococcal Disease, Polio, Ringworm of the body, feet or scalp, Scabies, Thrush, Whooping Cough, COVID-19 and the Common Cold.
Key Relaxation welcomes children for massage as long as a parent or guardian is present. If the parent or guardian is the client being seen, we ask that you arrange prior childcare or an adult to monitor the child. Our therapists are here to service you for massage; concerning children, in any other way, our services are otherwise unavailable. Key Relaxation Therapeutic Massage is not liable for any children on the premises unless under the care of a therapist.
We understand our society’s need to be plugged-in at all times. We respect our client’s want or need for technology. We ask that all devices (cell phones, tablets, music players, smart watches, etc) be put on vibrate or silent for the duration of your visit.
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