On-Site Massage Spa Party Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in scheduling a Massage Spa Party with Key Relaxation. We provide these guidelines to help maintain positive, professional, and presentable services. Please review the following to ensure preparedness and optimal execution of your event.
The Therapist
Key Relaxation's Licensed Massage Therapist provides proof of massage training/licensure, insurance, and business representation to the Event Planner before completing any set-up or session. The LMT abides by the following:
Arriving no later than Thirty (30) Minutes Pre-Event in order for access to the designated space and set-up.
Providing the necessary equipment: the massage table/chair, disposable face covers, disinfectant, *music, robes, drinking chutes, candles, diffuser/essential oils, lubricants, paraffin wax, towel warmer, towels, and business cards. Key Relaxation may have products that may be available for purchase and will always carry a First Aid Kit/Narcan at all times.
Appearing clean, neat, and smelling fresh with hair pulled away from the face. The LMT will be dressed in Key Relaxation's custom scrub-set with solid color athletic shoes.
Adhering to Massage Therapy's Code of Ethics and the oath of Do No Harm.
Communicating immediately any situation that may affect Key Relaxation's ability to provide the scheduled services.
Accepting any tips that are given graciously but never soliciting or encouraging gratuity.
**Key Relaxation employs one LMT only; if the Event Planner needs another , the company does collaborate with other LMTs however, they require their own payment.**
Prepping for the Event
Key Relaxation will confirm the event Twenty-Four (24) and Four (4) hours before the event. Here are a few considerations we've found that contribute to event success.
Confirm that the space reserved for the massage table/chair has at least an eight (8) foot diameter for effective work.
Estimate the number of participants for the event.
Keep in mind that we offer two types of Spa Party: the Intimate Spa Party (for eight persons) and the Universal Spa Party (for sixteen persons)*.
The Intimate Spa Party allows for 15-25 minute upper body massage with complimentary robe-wear during the event, and more. It's perfect for bachelorette parties, baby showers/sprinkles, girls' nights, and small birthday parties.
The Universal Spa Party allows for 10-20 minute upper body massage and may be indoor/outdoor (provided there is electricity!). It's less intimate and perfect for holiday celebrations, cookouts, and small birthday parties.
*Changing the number of participating individuals does not affect the service price, but may allow for longer massage sessions per person.
Special requests may be taken and/or accepted but must be made at the time of reservation.
If any participants have life-threatening allergies/conditions, make this known at booking so proper measures can be taken.
Confirm the total cost, payment method, and billing information at the time of reservation.
Event Execution
The day of the event can be chaotic. We at Key Relaxation with to alleviate stress and not contribute to it. These are just a few of the ways we do that:
The LMT will remind the Event Planner at the Four (4) Hour confirmation that she will arrive Thirty (30) Minutes pre-event; any obstacles to the designated space should kindly be removed.
Once On-Site, the LMT will set-up the massage table/chair, paraffin wax machine, towel warmer, diffuser, decor, and post-treatment areas; drinking chutes will be set out for the participants' use but beverages are to the Event planner's discretion.
If an Intimate Spa Party, all participants will be given robes to change into during the LMT's set-up.
If a Universal Spa Party, clothing will remain on for either the massage table or chair.
Here's an example of how the event will run: Guests may sit, drink, enjoy music, and mingle in the space while awaiting their session. Person 1 will lie on the table (or sit on the chair) and receive a scalp, head, face, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and slight upper back massage. After, Person 1 will sit at the post-treatment station as the LMT disinfects the table/chair. Person 2 will situate on the massage table/chair while the LMT wraps Person 1’s neck in a hot towel, and places cucumber slices on their eyelids. Person 2 receives the same steps as Person 1; once the towel is cold, Person 1 proceeds to Paraffin Treatment. Person 3 gets situated on the massage table/chair, Person 2 is wrapped with a hot towel and given cucumber, and Person 1 is being led through the Paraffin Treatment. After they peel the Paraffin, Person 1 is done and free to mingle.
The LMT will only provide massage, hot towels, and paraffin to each participant unless refusal.
We fully inform the participants of the massage process; every client is fully clothed or robed, little to no lubricant is utilized, and the massage primarily includes scalp, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and upper back.
Post-Event Execution
When the event has finished and the LMT is wrapping up, there are a few things you should see from us:
Proper disposal of all trash materials.
The LMT will pack up all equipment brought with her and return the space to its original state.
Our business cards will be left with the Event Planner for future use and hand-out to interested parties.
Twenty-Four (24) Hours post-event, the LMT will reach out to the Event Planner for a review of services provided and a Thank You for choosing business with us.