Preparing for Your Session
Whether this is your first professional massage or one of many, Key Relaxation thanks you for choosing us to take care of your muscular needs.
With the industry’s history and future in mind, we choose to help clarify therapeutic massage and what it is for our company. In doing so, we hope we provide a clear picture of what your first session with us will be like.
Before Booking
Massage is helpful for many ailments and stresses associated with daily life. We love to use it for anything applicable. However, there are times when massage may hurt more than help. We ask that before booking immediately, you consider the following:
Have you, or anyone in your household, come in contact with someone who has recently tested positive for COVID-19?
Do you, or anyone in your household, have a fever?
Have you sustained any injuries in the last 24 hours that have caused inflammation, swelling, skin-breakage, or bone-exposure?
If you sustained an injury in the past week or so, have you been cleared by a physician for massage?
Do you have any symptoms of infectious or contagious disease?
Have you consumed any alcoholic or illegal substances in the last 24 hours?
*The above information, whether disclosed or not, has not and will not be used to discriminate in any way, shape, or form. It is provided as a guide for the client to consider both the client/therapist’s health. If the therapist finds any health condition concerning during the assessment, the client will be referred to a physician.
The Day of Your Session
Like with any appointment, the first session has paperwork. We massage therapists love to know as much about what you put your body through as possible. It’s useful to know and assess which muscles you utilize more/less, how often, and doing what action.
We ask that you arrive fifteen (15) minutes early (or our LMT will, for mobile services) only for the first session. It allows us time to get business out of the way and utilize the slot you booked for massage exclusively. Here are a few tips to prepare yourself for our meeting:
A quick shower before your session will have you feel refreshed and excited for our therapeutic massage.
Taking note of your hobbies, habits, and goals to help customize your session.
Preparing and listing any questions unanswered via phone, our site, or any other correspondence.
When we/you arrive, we will address all of the above before beginning the actual massage. That’ll look like this:
Paperwork has been given; policies and other important information will be read over.
Payment will be collected.
The LMT will allow you private time/space to undress to your comfort level and get between the sheets, on the massage table.
The LMT will confirm with you before and during the massage on the areas you want highlighted and/or avoided, if any.
You'll be asked periodically if the pressure is good for you; we encourage you to communicate if you need lighter/deeper pressure.
The session will conclude with the LMT exiting to give you time/space to redress; upon your/our departure, we may rebook, if necessary.
You’re left feeling lighter than air- and possibly a little sore. Most people are either invigorated or sedated. However, there can be side effects as well as benefits. The side effects range from slight muscle aches, thirst, and fatigue, to nausea, bruising, and increased bowel/urine activity. The benefits are stress reduction, enhanced sleep, release of muscular tension, improved energy/circulation, and increased relaxation/ROM (range-of-motion), to name a few. Drinking water post-massage enhances many of the pros while helping a few of the cons. When choosing massage, it’s good to weigh the side effects and benefits for your individual wellness. Take note of your body the following day; it’s our goal to have your goals match your reality.