"CBD Me, Please" Massage
It’s the Roaring Twenties once more and with it, has come many medicinal, societal, and legal changes. CBD comes from Cannabis but has none of the psychoactive components (THC yields the “high”; CBD is free of it).
Combined with massage tailored to your body and mind’s needs, the overall effect that CBD may have for you can be amazing.
What's Unique?
The Massage for this Session can be of a lighter or deeper pressure. There are no specific techniques for this session alone that accompany this choice; it's used for a quiet moment to decompress, and to experience a new take on MT. The key factor of the “CBD Me, Please” Massage is the CBD-infused oil itself!
30-Minute Session....................................................................................................................................................................$55.00
60-Minute Session....................................................................................................................................................................$80.00
*If you reside outside of Mahoning County, a Travel Fee will also apply.
**The sum of the service includes sales tax; payment will be due before the service.
Let your body decide for itself.